Does Water Really Stop Your Period? — Myth or Truth?

With summer coming up fast, I thought this post would be applicable to cure some summer time worries.

NOTE: Please don’t take anything you read here as fact. I haven’t done a lot of research on this topic and I’m merely speaking from my personal experience.

IT IS TRUE… and false.

Let me explain. Your period doesn’t necessarily stop.

Your period is still happening, but the blood doesn’t enter the water (unless it’s very heavy).

It’s more likely to enter the water if you are just standing there, rather than actually swimming. If you are in the water for too long it may have so much build up it does start to leak out.

Now, I don’t know all the science behind this, but I do know what I’ve personally experienced.

Okay, first off, I don’t suggest swimming on your period. Why? If you swim for a long time your blood flow doesn’t come out that entire time (unless your flow is very heavy, then some of it will). That means your body needs all that time plus a little more to get rid of the blood it couldn’t get rid of when you were in the water. Hence, your period is going to last longer and probably will be heaver. At least that’s how it is for me.

Second, please be aware: as soon as you are not submerged in the water (e.g. getting out/in, taking a break, sitting by the side, drying off) your period will flow again and quite heavily. Although the time it takes for it to do that and the amount depends fully on your body and what stage of your flow you are on. So just be careful.

I don’t have much else to say. The answer is: water stops the blood from entering the water, but you need to be careful and learn your body’s limits.

There you have it!! If you have any more questions about this topic (or anything really) feel free to comment them down below or click on our contact page for a more private question.

I’m hoping to do a post about dealing with periods over the summer, so if you have anything you want covered in that topic or any questions I would absolutely love to answer those in that post.

Thanks for reading,

I Tested Ways to Make My Period Lighter // What I Did + Results

Hey everything!! Welcome back to The Girl’s Guide.

Today I am sharing my experience trying to lessen the effects of my period.

Did I say I was going to post this in September? Yes, I did. I apologize for the lack of posting. 😦 Life got really busy and to be honest, I didn’t have much to say.

It turned out being good I waited because I had time to fully test these tricks.

I won’t leave you all waiting any longer, let’s find out whether I found a secret all woman must know (I sound like an ad :/)

First off, what did I do?

  • Drink at least 8 cups of water a day
  • Exercise (30 minute to an hour) each day
  • Eat healthy (no sugar, less breads, more vegetables and fruits)
  • Eat food high in potassium
  • Put ice pack on cramps

Ngl I was expecting this not to work. At all.

Considering I need to drink more water and exercise more anyway I was like WHY NOT?! So I did.

And it turned out… interesting

















It worked!!

My period (read this post to see what my period used to look like) went from 5-6 days to 3-4 days. I have had no cramps. Plus, my flow has been very light.

Disclaimer: These are my results after making this a lifestyle for multiple months, it didn’t happen in a week.

What exactly did I do?

Yes, I know I made the list about from my own research, but what did I stick to and discard?

I didn’t eat high potassium foods (or at least didn’t make an extra effort to).

I didn’t use an ice pack once.

I did drink 8-11 cups of water each day.

I did do heavy exercise for at least 30 minutes each morning.

I did cut out most sugar (though not completely) and white flour carbs.

The three things above are simple. Hard, but simple. Things I believe should be done purely for the sake of taking care of the body God has given you.

Truth is, there’s not perfect fix. Nothings going to cure you by eating one thing. It’s a mix of different things and doing them consistently. Not just when you’re on your period.

Of course, you can have “cheat” days. You can eat sugar. You can eat carbs. You just need to use moderation and balance with vegetables, protein, and other healthy foods.

Okay, okay, I am super excited about this “new period.” I seriously want every single one of you to be able to experience not having an entire week of pain.

Before I end this post, I’d like to also mention creating this new lifestyle helped my hormones and mood shifts and even cravings so much.

Do you have any tips or tricks for making your period lighter, shorter, or curing symptoms? If so, comment them below!!

What my period looks like

Hey hey hey!! It’s your girl, Liz, here! I’m so excited to bring you this post.

I’d like to say first off this post is all about the length, flow, and symptoms that I get on my period. As well as a couple tips sprinkled in. If you get triggered by periods (which is, uh, blood coming out of your body) and blood (which is… blood?) then you might possibly not want to read this post.

Also I’m very open and sometimes sarcastic about my period so don’t mind that. (unless you do, then go for it!)

Note: Everyone’s periods are different, some are heavier, some lighter, some longer, some shorter. It really depends on who you are. Your flow and mine aren’t going to be the same. If your period doesn’t fit my description, that’s okay! In fact, there is a good chance yours is different. I just wanted you to get an idea of what mine looks like, mostly for reference for some posts coming up.

Ever since I started my period in… 2018? Yeah, every since then I’ve had it consistently every month. For some girls it takes a while to get it like that, or it might never happen like that! I have a lot of friends who get there periods every 2-3 months, and even a couple every 3-6 months. If that is happening for you first talk to your mom and maybe your doctor, there is probably nothing wrong, but just make sure! 😉

I usually know my period is coming, because the day of I’ll get these slight little stomach cramps.

Tip: Pay attention to what happens right before each period. You might spot something that lets you know the day that your period will come. Look for cramps, hormonal changes, and/or food craving.

My period tends to last about 5 days, sometimes longer if I’m eating unhealthy food *cough*.

Tip: Eating healthy and exercising is said to make your period shorter

These are the pads I use.

Day 1: This is my heaviest period day. I use a size 4 pad (4 out of 5). Sometimes I will get cramps and have to use a heating pad, but that only happens when I am not eating healthy. I will also crave things a lot, mostly sweet things.

Tip: BUY YOURSELF AN ELECTRIC HEATHIBG PAD. GIRLS THIS IS MY LIFE SAVER. AHHH. Not the microwave kind, electric. It involves the use of not using your legs to go to the microwave and wait 2 minutes for it to get hot, while your insides are dying. Then sitting/laying back down and having to get up again 5-10 minutes later. Unless you want to ruin yourself physically and mentally. (which i’m not letting you do, so go buy it now)

Day 2: This day is slightly lighter then the first day, no cramps. Again 4 pad. I start to crave salty things. And overall just feel lazy. XP

Day 3: Mr blood flow starts to cool it a bit. On this day I could switch to a 3 pad, but I usually just keep the 4 because it’s more comfortable 😂 Still craving salty things. This day I get surprisingly motivated and ready to be productive. It stops at night.

Tip: Periods don’t have to take away your productiveness. Try doing something productive and you might even find it easier then on normal days.

Day 4: I can go for a 2 pad. I feel completely normal besides an annoying slight amount of blood coming out of me.

Day 5: I wear a panty liner and get even more annoying at the small amount of blood coming out of my body.

Day 6 (if there is a day six): Same as day 5, except I ditch the pad, because I’m sick of it. If there is any blood on my underwear it washes out perfectly fine.

Well, there you have it! I’m incredibly grateful I don’t have a lot of period symptoms… incredibly.

I hope you guys enjoyed this, or not. Honestly this was a really random idea that popped into my head so I just wrote this post. Yeah… BUT HEY! Maybe it helped you! Maybe..

In next months posts I’m testing ways to make your period lighter so stay tuned for that 😏😉

See you guys next month!


Dealing with hormones 101

Hey everyone! My name is Liz and I’m so excited to start posting on this blog!!

For more about me you can check out the who are we? page or my gravatar.

We all (hopefully) know that hormones when you’re about to get your period get even crazier then the normal teen ones.

For me I get angry really fast, I share a room with my sister so if she leaves something out during that time then I’ll blow up. Most of my friends get really sad and just cry for random reasons.

I’m going to start with some tips on how to lessen hormone effects to begin with and then dealing with your emotions.

Stay away from sugar and persvitives

Girls, I can’t tell you how much of a difference this will make. Even if it’s just the week or two before your period it will lessen cramps as well.


Doing maybe 30 minutes of intense exercise can really help, maybe go for a run or do some jumping jacks or do a workout.

Get enough sleep

A full 9-10 hours of sleep can work magic. The mix of not enough sleep and hormones… let’s just say it doesn’t turn out well.

Try to stay away from stress

Obviously stress isn’t really something we can control, but try your best to stay out of anything you know will cause you stress. Or if you are putting something off that is causing you stress, take care of it. Read this post by Hattush to help with that.

Dealing with your emotions

First off breathe, you’re probably think “how basic” but I’m not kidding. Taking a few deep breathes can really help.

Be aware. Watch yourself closely. Most of the time after you blow up then nothing can stop you…

Step out of the room, just step out maybe say a prayer asking God to help you control yourself. If this isn’t possible try closing your eyes or looking at the ground.

If you do end up blowing up then let yourself, but still make sure you aren’t causing permanent damage. Like yelling mean things that can stick with people and leak into their doubts and insecurities. Always ask for forgiveness after, whether it was your fault or not you did blow up and most likely hurt someone. In the cause where “blowing up” is just randomly crying sometimes it’s nice to let your friends, or whoever you are around, that they didn’t do anything wrong. Because from experience I know that when you see someone breakdown then I immediately blame myself.

I hope this post helps you guys! Feel free to chat down below with any advice or questions! 😉 I might make a part 2 of this post if you guys want to see it!